For eBay Bucks members only, TrialPay via eBay offers eBay Bucks for free when you sign up for a select services and trials. (Not an eBay Bucks member? Click here to sign up for free.) That's the best offer we've seen for free eBay Bucks. (We saw $5 free in January.) Some may be limited to new customers only. The deals:
- $5 eBay Bucks for free with Hulu Plus trial
- $9 eBay Bucks for free with trial
- $10 eBay Bucks for free when you join Angie's List

See all eBay Bucks offers

Of note, be sure to cancel the trial services you sign up for to avoid subscription charges. Some may revoke currency or goods if you cancel your membership within the first day after signup.