View Full Version : Free Mandalas of Hope tokens

11-23-2019, 12:59 PM
https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56830c291115e07a0568e526/1552662437207-7R0AQEF92NK1897E47KM/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kC3EHFYgJ49mLNcb3_XXoiB7gQa3H7 8H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLf rh8O1z5QHyNOqBUUEtDDsRWrJLTmbAPWDwNhuSEKyCuGePwJdl AJStsLqFBxkbdHAbuFGAQOwkCaJ9IqvCdFa43wN2yB/symbolism.jpg?format=1000w

GET YOUR TOKENS: https://otauna.com/request

Mandalas of Hope are meaningful tokens of support for people going through any of life’s most difficult challenges. They have been received and helped individuals in more than 30 countries who are…

- experiencing mental health issues and/or addiction struggles
- disabled
- battling an illness
- grieving
- lonely
- caring for sick family members
- overcoming traumatic life events

Otauna team members handle all aspects of organizing the program and fulfillment of your request. You receive an email to let you know the Mandala of Hope for your loved one has been shipped.
Shipping times vary and no tracking numbers are used at present, keeping costs at a minimum. Typically, shipping time is about one week within Canada, two weeks to a location in the United States, and between two and four months to other countries throughout the world.
Information provided in your request form is treated confidentially.