View Full Version : Free Sample Mugler Alien Goddess Fragrance - Alexa or Google Assistant

09-07-2021, 05:15 PM
Install the Alexa Skill or Google Assistant to your phone, device or comupter and then add the “Send Me a Sample” skill. Once installed say "send me a sample" When asked what sample you want say "Alien Goddess"

Hurry! Stocks are limited and available while supplies lasts!

GET THIS FREEBIE: https://www.sendmeasample.net/mugler

https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e6e00ca1473ce4e3d186b77/1629479128130-FOTH2HFNPS0FGIMP5UZD/MUGLER_AG_SPOTIFY_LANDINGPAGE_1080px.jpg?format=15 00w