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View Full Version : New Amsterdam Vodka NHL Ond Sweepstakes - End Date: December 25, 2021

10-21-2021, 04:31 AM
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/233926400_6233765093330163_1216991401194154357_n.j pg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_eui2=AeE39lmRmX5gFNbWsjBhyfHZfSAO-uqephZ9IA766p6mFgKJh43TOfDuLx3YbbMLgiyDvIz-zJo6C8m44wQ-ooF7&_nc_ohc=1seG05vZFCEAX_BGeSi&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=7d0be64526bd9f93e9cc1c34c831ec20&oe=61961779

The game series Hockey League will be your next spot to watch! Indeed, the seats await you and your companion to support your favorite hockey team. You just need to enter in New Amsterdam Vodka NHL Ond Sweepstakes to win free 2 hockey game tickets to 3 NHL games vehemently sponsored by E. & J. Gallo Winery. It has a very simple entry to enter wherein you just need to provide the required details at newamsterdamvodka.com and the chance of your winning will be assured. Get your dream come to and witness the NHL hockey championship league for free.

CLICK HERE TO ENTER: https://promotions.newamsterdamvodka.com/nhl/enter-now/

Limit: Eligible to the entrants who are 21 years of age or older. Void In Utah, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands. The entry is limited to 1 Entry per Entry Period per person/email address regardless of method of entry.

How to Enter E. & J. Gallo Winery New Amsterdam Vodka NHL Ond Sweepstakes
There will be a total of 11 Entry Periods, each with 1 respective National Prize Pool, and 1 Regional Prize Pool with 15 regions identified as Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Washington.

Visit newamsterdamvodka.com and follow the instructions to complete and submit the online entry by entering their name, address, city, state, ZIP code and agree to the terms and conditions.

Selection of New Amsterdam Vodka NHL Ond Sweepstakes Winners
National Winner: A total of 11 winners will be randomly drawn on each respective date:10/8/2021, 10/15/2021, 10/22/2021, 10/29/2021, 11/12/2021, 11/19/2021, 11/26/2021, 12/03/2021, 12/10/2021, 12/17/2021, 12/25/2021.

Regional Winner: A total of 165 Winners (15 winners from each of the 11 Regions) will be randomly drawn on each respective date: 10/8/2021, 10/15/2021, 10/22/2021, 10/29/2021, 11/12/2021, 11/19/2021, 11/26/2021, 12/03/2021, 12/10/2021, 12/17/2021, 12/26/2021.

E. & J. Gallo Winery New Amsterdam Vodka NHL Ond Sweepstakes Prize
Grand Prize: Each winner will receive 2 tickets (1 for winner and 1 guest) to 3 separate NHL® Games. (ARV: $576).