View Full Version : Free Equality4U Sticker

02-23-2024, 08:27 PM
https://aaf1a18515da0e792f78-c27fdabe952dfc357fe25ebf5c8897ee.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.c om/1954/Sticker+Car+for+Email+small.jpg?v=1530196573000

Thank you for believing in an America where you can't get fired just because you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer, and where all people can be accepted for who they are regardless of whom they love. We appreciate all of your effort in raising money for our cause. Show it, with this FREE equality sticker!
Display your HRC sticker on your car, laptop, water bottle – no matter where you display it, you'll be saying you believe in an America that doesn't discriminate and treats everyone equally.
Fill in your information below and we'll send you your equality sticker – free of charge!

GET THIS FREEBIE: https://act.hrc.org/page/41763/data/1?locale=en-US