View Full Version : Holosync Meditation Sound Track - CD

05-23-2008, 10:24 PM

Thank you for requesting your Holosync Demo and Special Report, and for your help in filling out our short survey. I'm very excited to have you actually experience Holosync for yourself.

To get a head start, and to get the maximum benefit from the Holosync demo we're sending, please read the following information about how Holosync works and how it will benefit you (some of this is the same material you saw on the home page, but please don't assume you've seen it all):

Did you know that people who meditate everyday are many times happier than those who don't?

They're also healthier, and live longer. And, their sense of well-being is much higher than that of non-meditators. In fact, meditators are so much healthier that some insurance companies charge lower premiums for meditators than for the rest of the general population.

Meditators' minds are also sharper, and their problem-solving abilities are better.
That's one reason why many high-powered executives, and even CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, meditate.

06-01-2008, 09:08 AM
This came yesterday. Although I ordered it before I posted that was still very fast.