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View Full Version : Del Monte “Add Some Garden” Contest-FB 1/25

rebate queen
12-04-2012, 01:31 PM

Haven't figured this one out yet...

Now through January 25th, 2013, Del Monte is having an “Add Some Garden” contest and offering up 500 instant prizes, 50 prizes valued at $250, 5 prizes valued at $500, and 1 grand prize valued at $10,000. To enter this week’s contest, just head on over to the Del Monte Facebook page and tell them how you add the featured Del Monte product (tomatoes) to your favorite dish to make it even better.

You can also submit up to 10 tasty ideas from Monday to Friday each week. Plus, every time you enter, you get a chance to win a $25 gift card instantly! Then, the Del Monte judges will evaluate your submission based on the criteria (Creativity: 40%, Taste Appeal: 30%, Nutritious Quality: 20%, and Clarity of the Submission: 10%) to determine if you make it to the top 10. Keep your eyes on your inbox for an email from our team letting you know whether your post has made it into the mini-gallery.

01-10-2013, 07:49 PM
I think you have to submit a recipe-I looked for other ways around it

rebate queen
01-20-2013, 12:29 PM
ends soon!