View Full Version : Free "DNT TXT N DRV" Sticker

09-24-2013, 11:36 AM


Would you feel safe sharing the highway with a blind driver?

A driver who sends or receives a text takes his eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. If the driver is driving 55 miles per hour, he would travel seven-tenths of a mile during that time.
We all know that texting while driving is dangerous, yet in an AT&T survey, 49 percent of commuters admitted to texting while driving.
Help Hupy and Abraham raise awareness of the dangers of texting with a free “DNT TXT N DRIVE” sticker. Put the sticker on your car or bike to remind others to keep their eyes and attention on the road.

To request your FREE sticker, please complete the form on the right.

Thank you for requesting your free “DNT TXT N DRIVE” bumper sticker. We appreciate your willingness to help our accident attorneys raise awareness of the dangers of texting while driving in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

Your bumper sticker will be sent through U.S. mail and should arrive within 14 days. You may receive additional newsletters, offers, and email updates from Hupy and Abraham in the future.

Please contact us at 800-800-5678 if you have any questions or concerns.