View Full Version : Check-In 8/11

08-11-2014, 07:09 PM
Well,my 2nd week back at work is history & I'm feelin' pretty good.Really sore & achy when I get off-it's almost like my body knows when I'm done.Still no real improvement in my neuropathy,but it's not as constant as it was.I'm being real vigilant about wearing my electro-stimulator for the 2 hrs daily,but some days it really hurts.I'm just impatient-I want results NOW.Sorry I didn't post much yesterday,I slept off & on.
BTW-Robin Williams death makes me sad.
Now-can someone else please speak up-tell us about your day or a random thought-c'mon,I would like to hear from others.

08-12-2014, 09:46 AM
Aww Jammom, I know you want the results NOW but you are getting better slowly. Right? Next week will be better than now and the week after even more so. I wish I knew what to tell you to help but I am not medically trained. The best I can do is offer positive thougths and prayers: ) I don't know of the type of pain you suffer from but to me, every persons pain level is different and I don't judge when someone says something hurts. We are all able to handle different levels of pain. You sound as if you have been through alot and you sound like you are a fighter and will not let anything keep you down. Good for you!! I myself have suffered with migraines since the age of 5 and am now 48. I have found nothing that helps and have stopped wasting my money on doctors and pills that don't help. On my bad days, I am bedridden in a dark room, sometimes for 4 or 5 days. On my good days, I try to get done as much as I am able to. I can't even remember how bad the pain is until the next time. It is frustrating to not be able to plan things because I never know what will trigger my migraines and I feel like I have let many people down by having to cancel plans or not be able to attend major events. I do my best and that is all I can do.
I too am saddened by Robin Williams death. I wish nobody ever had to feel that was their only option. He will be missed by many.
Okay, I have said too much, somebody else's turn.
Good day everyone