View Full Version : Free Ella's Kitchen Lil' Foodies Club Kit

10-13-2016, 04:29 PM

At Ella’s Kitchen, we want to help you create a little foodie for life.
Our Lil’ Foodies Club has everything you need to start your little one on their journey.

http://ellaskitchen.staging.deltasys.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/3/files/2016/08/nbMain1.pngSign up and we’ll send you your foodie starter pack, including:

A coupon for $1.50 off an Ella’s pouch
Our first foods wall chart
Some scrumptious stickers
Our tiny tastebud adventure map

10-18-2016, 03:16 PM
thanks, nice freebie

11-26-2016, 05:25 AM
Thanx! I just signed Rissa up ~ only 17 1/2 weeks to go :)

Welcome to the Lil’ Foodies Club!
'lil Foodies Club

You are now a member of the Lil’ Foodies Club!

Your foodie starter pack is on its way.

We believe that every baby has the potential to be a little foodie. We’ll soon start sending you emails full of advice on how to create your own little foodie.