View Full Version : Free 2019 Arkansas Heritage poster

05-12-2019, 05:04 PM
The Department of Arkansas Heritage is commemorating 200 years since Arkansas became a U.S. territory with exhibits and a free commemorative poster.
The Arkansas State Archives has a traveling exhibit at no cost to museums, libraries, schools, historical societies and other educational or cultural institutions around the state. The exhibit, “Territorial Arkansas: The Wild West Frontier,” explores the history of the Arkansas territory, which was a wild frontier on the western edge of the United States, where politicians sometimes settled debates by deadly duels. Click here, for more information.
Historic Arkansas Museum has an exhibit in its galleries through April 5, 2020. “Life in the Western County: Arkansaw Territory from 1819-1836.” It examines the period using historical documents and items such as the deed to the first newspaper print shop west of the Mississippi or a needlework sampler stitched by a young Cherokee girl.
For a free poster featuring a map from the 1820s from the collections of the Arkansas State Archives, fill out the form below.