Amazon helps you discover products you might love by sending you FREE samples. It's like Amazon's product recommendations, but real, so you can try, smell, feel, and taste the latest products. There is no obligation to purchase or review the products.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I have to pay for samples?
No, samples are free and you don’t have to pay for anything. Amazon surprises select customers with samples that we think will be delightful and helpful.
Do I need to be a Prime member to receive samples?
No, anyone with an active account is eligible to receive free samples. If you're selected to receive a sample, the sample will be sent to your default address. If you’d like to receive samples at a different address, you need to change the default address in Your Account.
Is there a limit to how many samples I can get?
Currently, there's no limit to how many samples you can get from Amazon.