A little after midnight it was 43 with a real feel of 41. It is currently 49 with a real feel of 49. Looks like it is almost time to dig out the ice...
Making Roast beef with carrots, celery, and yellow summer squash in crock pot. Thought it was done and realized it was not fall apart done and turned...
I am Divorced with kids ages 35, 33, and 22 I have three grand kids age 10 yrs, one 5 yrs, and the surviving twin is 3 yrs. My boyfriend, Donald of 13 yrs. I love the outdoors and animals. I have 1 cat and 3 pet chickens. I also moderate and run another website called Universal Friends and Freebies https://universalfriends.forumotion.co.uk/
Whitewater, WI
I love freebie surfing, baking, cooking, and the list goes on
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