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About bintarab

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Date of Birth
December 26
About bintarab
Meet Moe, pictured in my avatar. Moe is a 65 lb Pit Bull Terrier mix who only obeys commands when you have treats in your hand: he will sit, stay, lie down, dance, and shake hands in response to verbal or manual (totally silent) commands. We're still working on "heel."

We adopted Moe from a shelter when he was around two or three years old (the shelter didn't know his exact birthday) after having been living in the no-kill shelter for almost a year. The folks at the shelter didn't tell me what his life was like before they got him (they probably didn't know). He gets completely distressed by thunder, fireworks, and the sound of the neighbor's motorcycle.

He's got lots of personality.

I have many more pictures of him on my phone than I do selfies, oh many, many more. Looking through my phone pics for a decent pic for an avatar meant thumbing through dozens of pics of Moe, so by default (and because I'm lazy), he became my avatar.

I don't think he'll mind.
Austin, Texas


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09-25-2024 09:51 AM
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