Luvs Leakguard Guarantee
Luvs?® works great on leaks. In fact, we guarantee it! If you are not satisfied with the leakage performance of Luvs (compared to your current brand), we will refund your money. Simply send us your original receipt, the UPC from the diaper package, and one unused Luvs Diaper to the address below. This is limited to one redemption per household or name; no organizations, and the offer expires 12/31/12. Refund is the cost of one bag of diapers, plus $1 for postage.

Please allow six to eight weeks for your refund to arrive. We hope you will give Luvs another try! Just call 1-888-NO-LEAKS to speak with a Luvs representative, or send us a Luvs letter to the address below.

Luvs Leakguard Guarantee Offer
P.O. Box 900177
El Paso, TX 88590-0177