For a FREE sample of SCANDICAL?®, or to request additional information, please call (800) 4-Scandi (800-472-2634).

SCANDICAL?® Calorie Booster is a taste-free powder that quickly and easily adds 35 calories per tablespoon to your meals, without changing the taste of the foods you love. SCANDICAL?® comes in a portable, 8 ounce, shaker-top dispenser can, conveniently allowing you to add calories to individual servings and eliminating the need to prepare separate, high-calorie meals.

SCANDICAL?® mixes easily with almost any food or beverage, hot or cold, right at the table. To help gain or maintain your weight, sprinkle SCANDICAL?® Calorie Booster on all your favorite snacks and meals.

SCANDICAL?® is gluten-free and certified as kosher.