Rissa is now talking to me again because she "needs" things, like money, baby wipes, and the list goes on. I knew it would not last long.

Been a long time since Don and I actually got out of the house. We ran to get beer in town yesterday afternoon and saw a friend's car at Beer Here, so we stopped there for a beer and chat. Jan asked if my chicken has gone to the liquor store with me lately. Unfortunatly Pixie passed away, so the answer was no. I have 2 chickens left and when they are gone, I am done with having chickens. I am getting to old and too many physical difficulties that I have had enough. Unfortunatly, the same will go for when Mageara kitty passes away. Then we drove all over the country side and around the lakes. We stopped at Badger Bobs and had 2 beers and came home. The weather was beautiful and Don was mellow.