Thank you for your interest in our programs. When possible, we invite children who meet the criteria listed below to shop with us in person at our facility (2623 5th Ave., Unit 102 in Rock Island) on Thursdays between 4-8 pm or on the second or fourth Sundays of each month from 1-3 pm. For children who have transportation or other barriers, a custom care package may be requested.

Social workers or approved school personnel are invited to submit a care package request if the child for whom you are submitting the form meets the following criteria:

-Between the ages of 8-20 (we stock sizes youth medium through adult)

-Currently a foster child or is experiencing homelessness or has other significant circumstances resulting in access to properly fitting, age appropriate clothing

-Lives in the Quad Cities community in Iowa/Illinois

Please note that contents of packages are subject to inventory availability.

Registered clients may receive care packages up to 4 times per year.

If you have questions, please call or text 309-235-8786 or email [email protected]