When it comes to sports countless people turn out crazy. Are you a forever sports lover too? Then just don't miss the golden opportunity of winning (12) Dugout Suite tickets for a 2022 Indians home game. Not just that but you can get tons of other prizes too. So, stop wasting your time and move up for Ultimate Game Day Experience Sweepstakes at the right moment.

CLICK HERE TO ENTER: https://www.uhm.com/homerun/

Limit: The entrant minimum age should be 18 years. The participant can submit the entry only one time.

How to Enter:
During the promotion period, visit uhm.com/homerun and fill out the entry form with all requested details including your complete name, email address, mailing address with state of residence, telephone number, and date of birth.

Drawing & Winner Selection:
Winners will be selected on the monthly dates scheduled for July 1, 2021; August 1, 2021; September 1, 2021; and October 1, 2021.

One winner will receive the grand prize of dugout suite at Progressive Field and up to 11 friends at the 2022 Cleveland Indians game. Alongside, $500 for food and also Official Cleveland Indians jerseys, and a meet and greet with Tom Hamilton.

The two monthly prize winners will receive $5,000 cash and the other two monthly prize winners will receive a wrapped Yeti Cooler, branded with Sponsor and Cleveland Indians branding.