Get a Free sample of Catalina Crunch Pairings! Valid for the 1st 6,250
Here is how to get it:
1. Install the Alexa Skill (*NOTE: Google Assistant is no longer supported) and load it on your device (phone, tablet, computer etc). You can find it in the Google Play Store or Apple Store.
2. Once downloaded Say “Send Me a Sample” into Alexa app (you can also say it to your Alexa Device like Echo Dot) Sign up for a Send me Sample account here if your having trouble.
3. When asked what you want a sample of Say "Catalina Crunch"
4. Follow the prompts to confirm
Hurry! Stocks are limited and available while supplies lasts!
thank you
“Don’t let them tell you what you cannot be.” “Stay hungry, stay free, and do the best you can.”
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