My boss asked me: "Why are you always hiding in the office?" I replied:
"Because good employees are hard to find!"
To the person who stole my glasses...
I will find you, I have contacts!
My boss asked me: "Why are you always hiding in the office?" I replied:
"Because good employees are hard to find!"
Traveling salesman knocks on a door, that is opened by a 10 year old kid - wearing a silk robe, holding a snifter of cognac, and smoking a Cuban cigar
The salesman is stunned, but gains his composure, and says, “Hi there! Is your dad home?”
The kid says, “What the f*** do you think?”
Amazon has started a new dating service, based on meeting people who buy the same things you do on Prime.
It’s called PrimeMates.
Young Son: "Is it true, Dad? I heard that in some parts of the world a man doesn’t know his wife until he marries her”
Dad: That happens in every country, son.
I'm reading a book called "Quick Money for Dummies"...
By Robin Banks.
What do you call a fly that can't fly?
A walk.
I received sad news today. After 7 years of medical training, my good friend was struck off after 1 minor indiscretion.
He slept with one patient and now can no longer work in the job he loves.
What a waste of time, training and money. A genuinely nice guy and a brilliant vet.
A guy goes to the doctor.
Guy: "Doc, I think I broke my arm in three places."
Doctor: "Well, don't go to those places!"
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