Submit a Moldex Product Evaluation Program (PEP) Form
Buy anywhere from 2 boxes to 2 cases of Goin' Green?® product from a Moldex Distributor
Fax your invoice or packing slip to Moldex toll free at 866-MOLDEXIDEAS (866-665-3394)
We'll send you 50% free goods for the products you purchased

Click on one of the links below to get started. You can either submit a form online or download the PEP Form and fax it toll free to 866-MOLDEXIDEAS (866-665-3394). Once you submit a completed PEP Form, we will have your Moldex Distributor contact you. If you do not have a Moldex Distributor, we will have a distributor in your area contact you. Please note that Moldex does not sell directly to end-users, so you will need to buy from a Moldex Distributor. This offer is good for first orders only.