You must be an Angie's List member, UNLESS you are in an area where Angie's List is not established. Then you may qualify for a free membership, no financial info required or requested, so that they can build up reviews in that area. If you think you qualify, start the sign up process, if they ask for financial info, you don't and can just stop right there.

From Physical Therapy to Retail Therapy… Submit 3 reports in qualified health categories in June and get a $25 gift card to the retailer of your choice.

How do I qualify to get the $25 gift card?

Submit 3 reports within the qualified categories below on health providers you've seen in the past 2 years.

When/how do I get my gift card?

Within 10 days of submitting your 3 reports in qualifying categories you will receive an email with an ecode and a link to the NGC redemption website. After choosing your reward, your $25 gift code to the retailer of your choice will be sent to you from NGC rewards via email. * Members without an email address will receive instructions by mail at the end of the promotion.

What retailers will I be able to choose from?

Submitting your reports will be easy. Choosing your reward from over 60 popular retailers like, CVS, Home Depot, Starbucks, Williams Sonoma,,, Best Buy and more could be hard.

At least 3 reports must be submitted in qualifying categories during the promotional period (June 1st – 30th). Limit one prize per membership. Participating member must have a valid email or mailing address on file. Reports must be for services performed within the past 2 years. Angie’s List defines report qualification as follows: Reports must be unique, meaning only one report per experience or visit. Multiple reports on one provider by the same member will be combined into one report. Reports must be on existing, legitimate businesses in categories rated by Angie’s List and conform to the standards outlined in the Membership Agreement and the confirmation statement that accompanies each report.
To ensure receipt and processing, all reports submitted via fax should be time-stamped no later than seven (7) days after new membership activation, and transmitted to 877-775-3566. All reports submitted via postal mail should be postmarked no later than June 30th 2012 and addressed to: Report Entry Center, Angie’s List, 1030 E. Washington, St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. All reports submitted by phone or via the Angie’s List website must be time-stamped no later than June 30th 2012. Telesurvey reports do not apply.