The summer is a great time for kids to unwind and relax. However, a little weekly preparation during the summer could go a long way towards helping your child excel at math throughout the year.

Over the summer, students can lose up to 2 months of what they learned during the school year. Over several years, summer learning loss can have such an impact that students perform 2 to 3 years below grade level in math
The two most important factors in college admissions are a student’s grades and the rigor of the courses a student takes, not test scores. Start preparing your students for their future today.

Online Summer Learning Program

LearnBop is dedicated to helping students increase their proficiency in math and to prepare them for more advanced math courses. This summer, LearnBop is offering parents the opportunity to sign their child up for FREE weekly practice online to help their kids stay sharp or get ahead in algebra and algebra readiness concepts for grades 6, 7, 8 and Algebra I.