Right now it is 6 with a real feel of -7. Today's high is 18 and sunny. The overnite low is -1
right now it is 28 with a real feel of 26 26 for the low tonite and a high of33 tomorrow. Snow is suppose to start sometime tonite and last for about 16 hours. We are only predicted to maybe get up to an inch of snow.
Right now it is 6 with a real feel of -7. Today's high is 18 and sunny. The overnite low is -1
It is 2:41pm and the temp is 15 with a real feel of 5. I don't think we will hit 18 today
Right now it is 13 with a real feel of 7.
We got a little snow last night. Enough to cover the driveway and it looks icy. The wind was wicked last night as well.
Right now it is 2 with a real feel of -7. High for today is 16.
It was bitter cold and some wind last night. We still have the water dripping. Another High bill is in the forecast. I may have to turn the furnace down to 60 to help compensate. We shall see. 64 is chilly enough and it does not help; you can feel the wind coming through the cupboards and drawers. Don going in and out the kitchen door to the porch for a cigarette or beer does not help things.
Right now it is up to 0 with a real feel of 3. We are suppose to have a high of 20 and an overnight low of 17. Next week we should be back in the 40's.
We did reach 16 yesterday.
Right now it is 26 with a real feel of 18. Our high for today is 34 and the overnight low of 22 At least it is warming up. I think we can turn the water off during the day.
Don't know if we hit the high for today.
Right now it is 33 with a real feel of 30. It is calm and actually not too bad out today
Windy last night
Right now it is 28 with a real feel of 20. High for today is 46 and overnite low of 19
OMG!! What a beautiful warm day! No wind/breeze and lots of sunshine.
Right now it is 43 with a real feel of 41 we were suppose to reach 52 today but I was working and did not pay attention to temps. Lo for tonite is 20
By Sunday, we will drop to sub zero temps. Only in Wisconsin
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