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Thread: Medical Rant

  1. #1
    jammom's Avatar
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    Default Medical Rant

    Sorry to rant but I am so sick of it ~ each trip to labor and delivery is $1400 - $2000+ now figure 2 -4 times a week
    [05-03, 16:35] Raeja: Like Stupid young OB ~ we need to go back to family Dr's doing the job ~ ours called and told my daughter some things that may help cuz he would have already induced labor ( he was her first dr)
    [05-03, 16:34] Raeja: Sorry not here much ~ babytime closer than we may think ~ Rissa missing lots of school and lots of trips to labor and delivery ~ she not dialating but strong contractions so they send her home REALLY? Sher is only 17 they need to figure something out\
    "We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give"-W Churchill

  2. #2
    jammom's Avatar
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    WOW-you just opened a can of worms-don't know where to start !

    My insurance is $89 more a paycheck-def feeling that along with my outstanding & ongoing bills.(half the $7500 I won from sweeps went to bills-lifesaver)

    They won't let my ortho surg be my primary care anymore,sucks-feel like my safety net is gone.Insurance doesn't care that none of my surgeries were easy-I just happen to be stubborn & bounce back,my 4 & 1/2 hr surg had 5 residents watch cuz they'll rarely see it,& my ortho surg is the only 1 who can handle MOST my issues-ortho,neuro,etc..."I'm too post-surg to keep seeing a specialist",but yet I will now have to see a GP,a rheum,a neuro,etc...

    Since there is SOOO many junkies in UT (yes-meth is rampant & I see it),pain pills are highly regulated.I will now have to go to a pain clinic to get my Norco 7.5-hydrocodone,not oxycontin,& that is a pain.Have to sign a contract-random UA,pill count(to make sure you're not selling them or taking it more than prescribed),etc...Also my nerve healing med Lyrica keeps getting more & more expensive & I had to keep most expensive insurance to keep it covered (others won't)

    UGH !!!
    "We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give"-W Churchill

  3. #3
    Raeja's Avatar

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    I know what you mean! Just more rant, just got bill statement for Feb 2 (Rissa has at 7 or 8 plus visits since then) This one was $3,043.70 and she is never there longer than 2 hours and they put a heart monitor on her to hear the baby and something to detect contracttions and do a pelvic ~ she is lucky if she sees a doctor or nurse more than 15 minutes She is already over $20,000 and the baby isn't even born yet

    On a fair note from last nite's visit ~ she is more than 50% thinned out and about 3 cm dialated ~ hope baby gets here soon ~ the hospitals are blood suckers and taking advantage of her becaused they don't get many teenage pregnancies and they are handled different than an adult woman ~ they asked her if she would sign papers to consent to interns being there when baby is born because of teenage pregnancies are rare and done differently than with a matured woman ~ she did sign

  4. #4
    Deewheat's Avatar

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    Default About those stem cell trials listed yesterday and todaay

    There is no stem cell trial. They are just another popup company charging to help people find a ways to "afford their meds" with these fly-by-night discount coupon schemes...although they DO have an Interesting twist. They claim to have docs who will prescribe on the basis of a phone interview.

  5. #5
    jammom's Avatar
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    Where? I know there's some spammy stuff in the newsletter,but I don't deal w/that.Can only speak for the stuff posted on site.
    "We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give"-W Churchill

  6. #6
    Raeja's Avatar

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    Newest RANT!!

    Was rushed to hospital Saturday morning at about 430am. I already knew it was my gall bladder and let the EM's know that. The pain was horrible. The people in ER pay attention to my medical charts. They asked if Morphine was ok for me to take for pain. I am allergic to codein, synthetics, and knockoffs of codein.

    I can't tell you how many times they tried to take me off morphine and put me on Tylenol 3, Oxycodone, and many other codien products. They wanted to try a synthetic morphine and I was extremely hesitant but I am glad my 29 year old daughter was there. They put it into my IV and she started looking scared. OMG!! why do they have to mess with something that works and experiment. They said the pain med of it would last longer. They had to put me on oxygen because my oxygen count went down so low and I was in and out of conciousness. They decided to double the amount of morphine.

    after surgery, when the morphine wore off before the 4 hours (I was getting it every 2 hours in ER and through the night), I don't know how many different pills they gave me of which none worked. again the first thing offered was tylenol 3. How stupid are these people.

    Definately not St. Mary's Hospital in Madison. I had a pharmacist come in to talk to me and commented that at least I had a nice view. My reply was I had a better one at St. Mary's. Instead of looking at a parking lot, I watched the sun rise and set over the state capital.

    The night after my surgery I ordered jello cubes and chicken broth before the kitchen closed (at 615pm) my cubes were warm and my broth was cold. It was delivered about 20 minutes later than the ticket said. Breakfast was terrible as well. I tried an omlet, wheat toast, diet lemon lime soda, milk, and golden grahams (to snack on later). again delivered later than stated on ticket. Omelett just cold and nasty, toast wasn't even toasted. Told CNA Dianna about it and said I almost ordered the breakfast sandwich but decided no because of sausage. Dianna said it was a good thing I didn't. She ordered one, it was soggy and undercooked and she tossed it out.

    I do have to admit, the anestesiologist was fantastic. He actually explained everything to me, understood my fears and concerns from past surgeries,, and made me feel very safe and comfortable

  7. #7
    Raeja's Avatar

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    WOW!! Got my knee injections last thursday and Dr. Palmer had an intern with him. He keeps trying to get me to do knee replacements, I can't afford it right now and $1400 - $2300 a year (most covered by insurance) is better than $20,000 for knee replacements that have to be redone every 5 - 7 years.

    I also found out why doctors prefer to only do one knee at a time and that is because they get more money that way. If they do both at once, the first knee is paid 100% and the second is only paid at 50% if you have medicare or medicaid. Another example is if he has to repair 8 tendons the first one is paid at 100%, second at 50%, third one at 25% and he is doing 5 for free because he is not going to only repair 3 and tell the person to come back to have more fixed. Then all the costs the doctor has to pay such as staff, use of equipment, use of the surgery room, use of medical needs, etc.

  8. #8
    coryo's Avatar

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    Default Me....and my problems

    Hi there, My name is Cory and I live with constant pain. The surgeon says that my back is in REALLY bad condition, and we need to take out the old surgery and replacing it, doing some disks that need to be replaced. There is also my sciatica, what I thought was my sciatica, but the last CT says it's a problem with hips. Shows that I have avascular necrosis in my hips, so don't know really what I can do.

    AND the real big deal is that I can't smoke for 2 weeks before or after the surgery. I've only been smoking for 47 or some years, and it's really hard to quit. Can't have any nicotine in my body for them to do the surgery, so no patches, gums, pills, or anything that contains nicotine.

    Am having a really hard time quitting. Tomorrow is my quit day (hopefully).

    So wish me luck everyone!!!


  9. #9
    Raeja's Avatar

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    Good Luck with the surgery and stop smoking ~ I am sure the outcome will be much better for you.

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